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Contact Lens Exam

 A discussion about your contact lens preferences
If contact lenses are appropriate for you, it’s time to talk about your contact lens preferences. For example, do you want to enhance or change your eye color? Would you prefer daily disposable lenses or overnight contacts? Ask about the benefits or drawbacks of each, so that you make the best decision. If you’re over 40, your doctor will likely discuss age-related vision changes and how contact lenses can address these issues.
Now it’s your turn to test it out
Your contact lens exam is over the final step is to fit you with a pair of contact lens , but you’ll need to come back. You will wear the trial lenses for a week. After that, you’ll have a short follow-up exam to confirm that the lenses are working well for you and you can then order a supply of contact lenses.

All Eye Care Services

We offer a wide variety of eye care services to the Oklahoma City community. Contact us with any questions about our services.

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For non-urgent questions or to learn more about our services, contact us today!